In a list I need to group columns that require a 1 to many relationship.
For example, in this order I need to show Package Number, Part Number, Part Name, Change Description, Change Version Number.
Package number, Part Number, Part Name need to be group to the Package number
Then Change Description needs to be grouped to the Package Number
Change Version Number needs to be grouped to Change Description
There can be multiple Change Descriptions per Package Number, however I only want to show 1 Change description for every Package number so that the change descriptions do not repeat for every part. So I need to show a distinct Change Description for every Part that is in a Package.
I tried the advanced sort list. Also tried Group Spanning the Change Description to Package number, however then i lose Part Numbers. We ended up ungrouping the part number and grouped the change descriptions instead which did get the change descirptions grouped to the Package Number, however the part number is repeating (expected).
I think I need to do either unions or joins to get this, but i haven't worked much with queries and not sure how to approach it.Note, Package number is in one table, Parts in another table, and Change Descriptions in another table
Any thoughts are appreciated.
Not that easy to judge without an example, but my first thought is to use a min or max for the object that repeats.
However, when you say:
There can be multiple Change Descriptions per Package Number
then how do you decide which one you want to show?
The fact that objects are from various tables is not an issue, as this is to be expected :)