hi Friends,
I strucked up with the following logic:
for example :
Country name is the column name, which is coming from database.
on this column i have to implement both multiselect and single select.
Multiselect is on promptpage
singleselect is on report page
in both senerio's i am using same parameter name.
if i select multiple values from prompt page the query is executing for all selected values and report is running fine.
as i am using same parameter name for both prompts , among selected values from prompt page the last value is displaying as defalut on reportpage prompt which should not happen. by default it has to show column name or ALL
anything is fine.
Please let me know how to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance
Add a HTML Item next to the Value Prompt in the Report Page
Provide an Unique name to the value prompt under Prompt Properties -> Miscellaneous -> Name (Replace X in the following code with your unique name)
Add the following java script in the HTML Item
<script language ='javascript'>
document.formWarpRequest._oLstChoicesX[0].selected = 'true';
Thanks for ur help.
Along with that i need the following logic has to work.
for the first time when i ran report after selecting multiple values from prompt page ,the prompt on report page is not displaying last value among the selected values. (Java Script is working fine.) but it is failing for the below senario.
i want to select a value from dropdown list which is on report page.
For the selected value the report is executing but it is not displaying the selected value in listbox of the value prompt.
Because the java script is removing the selected value.
i need a java script which has to work both logics..
Thanks in advance