Can anyone help me out with this?
One of my users is getting the following error message
Initially, in data source type(s) 'pattern', function 'providerQuery' is not supported in 'OlapQueryProvider'. After decomposition, in data source type(s) 'OD', function 'olap_sum' is not supported in 'RelationalQueryProvider'.
She's got a number of sub queries joined together to make a final query. All the subs validate and return data but the final query generates the error.
She's using a relational source in a list and we've tried it with a cross tab as well.
Any ideas?
Thanks for the help.
Each time i get this kind of message, there is in my report, or in my report query something wrong. It may be a slice, an aggregation or a filter that is wrong.
I cannot point something specific, sorry
Thanks for your help. I think we managed to sort it out. There was a bit of a dodgy join in one of the many child queries she was using.