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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Framework Manager => Topic started by: JoAnty on 03 Jun 2008 11:34:22 AM

Title: Error while selecting the datasource in FM
Post by: JoAnty on 03 Jun 2008 11:34:22 AM

I am getting a following error in FM when I try to select the datasource and import the tables.

RQP-DEF-0177 An error occurred while performing operation 'sqlOpen' status='-9'.
UDA-SQL-0107 A general exception has occurred during the operation "AOpen".
[Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Enterprise]Attempt to locate entry in sysdatabases for database '@databasename'' by name failed - no entry found under that name. Make sure that name is entered properly

I checked the ODBC connection, it is working fine. Also I am able to connect to database through sybase directly and can execute.Any suggestions really appreciated

Thanks in advance
Title: Re: Error while selecting the datasource in FM
Post by: zfiner on 03 Jun 2008 11:44:34 AM

I think we need a little more information to help you out here.  What type of data source did you set up in Cognos Connection - Do you get the same error when you test the data source there?  What did you choose for authentication type in the data source reference?  Perhaps if you can attach a screen shot, we can better spot what might be causing the issue.
Title: Re: Error while selecting the datasource in FM
Post by: JoAnty on 04 Jun 2008 11:44:59 AM
Dear zfiner
In Cognos Connection, Its datasource type is ODBC. We are able to connect to the data source successfully through Congos Connection. But when I try to import in FM, it is giving an error.
Let me explain , Say my sybase database name is "test". I have created the ODBC(ODBC Driver:Adaptive Server Enterprise , ver:15.0) for "test" db and the DSN for that is 'test' only. I am able to connect to database successfully through ODBC.
In FM, When I try to import the datasource, I am getting an error as RQP-DEF-0177 An error occurred while performing operation 'sqlOpen' status='-9'.
UDA-SQL-0107 A general exception has occurred during the operation "AOpen".
[Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Enterprise]Attempt to locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'testE'' by name failed - no entry found under that name. Make sure that name is entered properly

But no where defined as "testE". I have checked the ODBC, and in Cognos Connection. Everywhere showing db name as 'test'.

Your help will be really appreciated

Title: Re: Error while selecting the datasource in FM
Post by: Ty Clabbers on 05 Jun 2008 07:15:26 AM
Framework manager is a client server tool. If you work with framework on your local machine it will look for an ODBC connection (of course with the same name) on you computer. If you only have created the connection on the server you will get an error.
Title: Re: Error while selecting the datasource in FM
Post by: JoAnty on 05 Jun 2008 08:02:39 AM
I have the ODBC connection with the same name in my local machine also in server as well.
Title: Re: Error while selecting the datasource in FM
Post by: JoAnty on 05 Jun 2008 08:23:19 AM
This is really urgent, please suggest me , if anyone come across this kind of issue.
Title: Re: Error while selecting the datasource in FM
Post by: JoAnty on 06 Jun 2008 04:20:10 PM
Dear all,

When I checked the server log, I am getting this

   QE-DEF-0285 The logon failed.QE-DEF-0323 The DSN(ODBC)/ServiceName is invalid. Either the DSN is missing or the host is inaccessible.RQP-DEF-0068 Unable to connect to at least one database during a multi-database attach to 1 database(s) in:
UDA-SQL-0031 Unable to access the "testDataSourceConnection" database.UDA-SQL-0532 Data Source is not accessible: "testE'".[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified.

Any one have any idea.


Title: Re: Error while selecting the datasource in FM
Post by: zfiner on 19 Jun 2008 08:55:25 AM

I sincerely apologise for the delay in response - It appears that I disabled email notifications and I've not had a chance to visit until this morning.  I still have the feeling that there is some difference between the ODBC setup on the server and on your PC.  For starters, do you have Framework Manager on the server?  If so, do you experience the same problem there?  Secondly, I would suggest opening a remote desktop session and comparing the settings side-by-side.  Finally, (and I know it has been quite some time), have you made any progress on this issue in the meantime?

Please let us know; thanks!

Title: Re: Error while selecting the datasource in FM
Post by: JO on 30 Jun 2008 09:36:21 PM
Hi ZF,

Thanks for the response.

Finally I fixed this issue 2 weeks back. it is with sybase patch which is fixed in ESD#2.

Title: Re: Error while selecting the datasource in FM
Post by: januschoy on 10 May 2013 05:43:52 AM
Hi Jo,

I'm encountering the same issue using Sybase data source.

May I know the final solution of yours?

Many Thanks!! :) :) :)