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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: cognos8.2 on 02 Jun 2008 07:12:46 AM

Title: Cognos 8 - Trigger Based Scheduling
Post by: cognos8.2 on 02 Jun 2008 07:12:46 AM
Hi All,

Has anyone tried trigger based scheduling ? I have a requirement where in I need to schedule a report based on a trigger and email the report as an attachment to the users.

Any idea in this regard would be of great help!

Thanks in advance
Best Regards
Title: Re: Cognos 8 - Trigger Based Scheduling
Post by: cognos8.2 on 02 Jun 2008 07:19:01 AM
I guess there are two options, one with SDK & other without SDK. Let me know both the options.

Title: Re: Cognos 8 - Trigger Based Scheduling
Post by: Rocks on 02 Jun 2008 11:12:22 AM
We have started to use triggers based on completion of ETL Data Warehouse and Mart completions.  Bascially we have added a call at the end of selected ETL jobs that SSH over to our transformer box (we put all of our triggers here because we are also calling cube build scripts through a similar process), and call tiggers that fire off groups of reports.

You could take this same functionality and add it to a windows scheduler, where at X time, Y trigger batch file gets kicked off.  You place the name of the trigger in the batch file, and then use that same name on the scheduler-->trigger tab within cognos connection.

All of this is done without the use of SDK.  If you want to get even more creative than this, then you will probably need to start investigating SDK solutions....

Hope this helps...:D
Title: Re: Cognos 8 - Trigger Based Scheduling
Post by: cognos8.2 on 03 Jun 2008 02:28:10 AM
Thanks Rocks.

In cognos 8 environment, there is a utility which needs to be invoked from the unix platform. any idea on how to process this to fire a cognos 8 trigger, and execute a group of reports.

Pls help..
Title: Re: Cognos 8 - Trigger Based Scheduling
Post by: Rocks on 03 Jun 2008 10:48:40 AM
I dont know how to do it from Unix, however here is one of our triggers on the Windows platform.  I have also incorporated a little bit of logging into this trigger. 

ECHO %DATE% %TIME% >>D:\Programs\c8mr2\webapps\utilities\trigger\Triggerlog.txt
trigger.bat http://**IP address of dispatcher**/p2pd/servlet/dispatch **userid * *Password** ADS Cement_Daily_Shipping_Trigger >>D:\Programs\c8mr2\webapps\utilities\trigger\Triggerlog.txt

Broken down....

**This puts the date and time into a file called "Triggerlog.txt" in the same location as the triggers. (note, that you HAVE to run your triggers from this directory)
ECHO %DATE% %TIME% >>D:\Programs\c8mr2\webapps\utilities\trigger\Triggerlog.txt

**Standard call of the trigger.bat file.  This batch file is never changed...rather you are creating a new batch file to call this batch file.

**Your dispatcher address.  If you dont know this, you can get it from Cognos Configuration under "Dispatcher URI for external applications.  One note here....I found that you have to use an IP address in lieu of a mapped URL...i.e. HTTP:\\
http://**IP address of dispatcher**/p2pd/servlet/dispatch

**Login and password to run the triggers.  Usually a sys admin or super user. 
**userid * **Password**

**Namespace.  We map to AD.

**The name of your trigger as it appears when you schedule it on the Trigger tab

**Another call to the log file to write out the result of the trigger call.

I hope this works for you.  If you need more details on the syntax for a Unix call, you should be able to find it either in the Admin and Security guide, or on the KB.
Title: Re: Cognos 8 - Trigger Based Scheduling
Post by: cognos8.2 on 03 Jun 2008 11:00:42 PM
Thanks once again,  Rocks.

This was a great help!
Title: Re: Cognos 8 - Trigger Based Scheduling
Post by: JeffR on 20 Jul 2010 03:32:43 PM
For those checking this thread who are interested in firing a report from a UNIX system that is not running Cognos, take a look at the following IBM article: (
Title: Re: Cognos 8 - Trigger Based Scheduling
Post by: mvjcognos on 21 Jul 2010 01:55:01 AM
try this

1) Click on Schedule button u will find by day,by week,by month,by year and trigger.
2) Click on trigger then u will find in the right side of the page trigger name
there give ur trigger name for ex: FTTPZ20
3) Down to that ename option will be there click on that select the email add.
4) Finish...................

When ever the trigger runs that time report will run. Ur administrator will give particular time and date to the trigger that time it will run automatically...........
Title: Re: Cognos 8 - Trigger Based Scheduling
Post by: Malosa on 24 Sep 2010 11:09:46 AM
We have a similar requirement here and I was wondering if someone can provide me details of how to schedule the jobs using the BY trigger option.
Do we need to create a trigger file ? I guess I am not clear on how to do this process -Rock - perhaps can you help me better understand what you suggested ?

Thank you very much for your help

Best regards
Title: Re: Cognos 8 - Trigger Based Scheduling
Post by: Malosa on 24 Sep 2010 11:10:33 AM
Also, I forgot to mention - we want to do it without the SDK route
Thanks again
Title: Re: Cognos 8 - Trigger Based Scheduling
Post by: mahgar on 30 Oct 2013 02:20:29 AM
What should I put here,

if [ "$CRN_HOME" = "" ]; then

if [ "$JAVA_HOME" = "" ]; then


for jar in activation axis axisCrnpClient commons-discovery-0.2 commons-logging-1.1 commons-logging-adapters-1.1 \
        commons-logging-api-1.1 jaxrpc mail resolver saaj serializer xercesImpl xml-apis wsdl4j-1.5.1 ; do

${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -classpath ${CLASSPATH} Trigger ${1} ${2} ${3} ${4} ${5}