I have been trying to use data items with numeric values to display area ranges in a combo chart with no luck. Is this the right way to do it? The values don't show up on the chart, but the data item is listed in the legend, and the corresponding list chart shows everything fine. Does anyone have any ideas?
I'm not sure if this will help, but sometimes nothing appears when you only have the one data item (i.e. one item on the X axis) - the value is actually there, but it is only displayed as an individual Point - so can't be seen.
I dealt with this by changing the properties to display something at the point (i.e. a square).
But perhaps you're talking about something else.
Thanks for the reply. I don't think this is my problem as the chart axis is not even extending as far as my value (if the value is 8, the chart is actually only showing -6 to 6).
Sorry, I've no idea!