Hi Guys,
I am working on migration of cube views from 7.1 to 8.3. We have a huge number of cube views (PPX Reports) that we need to migrate and we will not be able to do them all as it would take such a drain on resources. So we thought of scrubbing the PPX reports that we need to migrate and in order to achieve this we would like to start off with determining who is using which cube views...Is there any kind of auditing that helps us achieve this? I looked at the ppes_audit.log file but it only gives information about the cubes and not the cube views...
Thanks in advance!!!
If they were published to Upfront or are being accessed from the PPES TOC, than yes, the web server log file should reveal that information .
Hi Darek,
Can you please tell me where can I find these log files? I searched the entire C drive of my webserver but could not find any...may be I am missing something...
Can you please help?
Are you using IIS or Apache?