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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => COGNOS 8 Administration => Topic started by: kmuller on 22 May 2008 11:29:13 AM

Title: AD Authentication against multiple AD servers
Post by: kmuller on 22 May 2008 11:29:13 AM
 I am in the process of setting up 8v3 in a project to uprade from 8.2.  As part of this upgrade, we want to get away from Series 7 user authentication and start using AD authentication.

Our issue is that we have 10 AD controllers in our domain, and our config for 8v3 could use any of these.  Our Server people will take any one of these down without telling users because one of the others will automatically take over user authentication in the domain.

Cog Config only lets you point to 1 AD box to authenticate users against.  This will cause me problems if my server guys have to take that box down during the day.

Can the config be setup to point to a number of AD servers, so if 1 is down it will go to another box to config it?

Is there an advanced property that will allow me to do this?
Title: Re: AD Authentication against multiple AD servers
Post by: ducthcogtechie on 22 May 2008 04:22:26 PM
Do not use the hostname of a domain controller. Simply use the netbios name of the domain:389 in that field. It wil then use the existing MS domain failover machanism to authenticate as your regular workstations do when people logon in the morning.