I am facing some problem in tool tips when i am using the chart we can made the tooltips property to 'YES' but how abt list and crosstab.
If anybody know the answer pls reply me
Put HTML items on both sides of any item in these objects. You will need to unlock the report to do this.
Left HTML of item: <SPAN title="the text you want as a screen tip">
Right HTML of item: </SPAN>
Your solution works, however the screentip stays for just about 3 seconds in HTML en does not reappear without refreshing the page. If there a way to make it persistent or reappear after the 'hover over'?
I am not aware of the available properties of the Span tag (this is HTML)
I'd bet there are some fancy Javascript solutions too, that may have more control and flexibility but I am not aware of them
Hi rock,
Thanks for the solution but its staying for some some as above said.can you know how to resolve this