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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: digger on 19 May 2008 07:35:40 AM

Title: Blue Prints
Post by: digger on 19 May 2008 07:35:40 AM
Has anyone use any of the blue prints that Cognos has built? What you can tell me about them?

Thanks for any information you have.
Title: Re: Blue Prints
Post by: jan.herout on 28 May 2008 06:16:00 AM
Never used it on a project, however these are some thoughts:

1 - really useful source to inspire you & see interesting techniques
2 - I doubt that it is possible to use blueprints as a ready-to-go solution, since you have to understand how the model is built anyway
3 - in some cases, Cognos violates their own sizing recommendations within blueprints (now tell me, what is the best practice ?)

I was particulary interested in HR blueprint and found it really nice source of inspiration.

See you!
Title: Re: Blue Prints
Post by: JaromirSeps on 07 Jul 2008 03:03:16 AM
In my opinion, the only useful thing about the blueprints are the techniques of model building. If you study the model, sometimes you learn a new feature or combination of functions.

I don't think you could use them for their un-real assumptions. Last blueprint, I was looking at, was "financinal services branch performance" which - according to cognos - could be used for any retail bank branch profitability. The bank in the model had a product calculation with 20 lines, has only 7 products in total!, 3 segments, and 20 branches (which were in e-list so could be increased). If I take this model and use it in our bank, it will never work, because, the calculation has 10-120 lines, 150 products, 400+ branches plus hierarchies. They make all the cubes really simply with all things in one place, but if they will increase the sizes to real measures, it will never work.

I've seen something similar with other models, where it's nice to get throught them to get a different insight on things you know, but than you only use simple elements of it.
Title: Re: Blue Prints
Post by: Tallgeese on 02 Feb 2018 10:05:36 AM
Hi, I'm trying to look at some of the legacy blueprints for research purposes however I can't find the unzip passwords for the free blueprints. Would your advisement would be greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: Blue Prints
Post by: MFGF on 02 Feb 2018 11:33:40 AM
Quote from: Tallgeese on 02 Feb 2018 10:05:36 AM
Hi, I'm trying to look at some of the legacy blueprints for research purposes however I can't find the unzip passwords for the free blueprints. Would your advisement would be greatly appreciated.

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