There seems to be a lot of Global Moderators here but we know nothing of them. Who are they, why are they moderators, what do they specialize in, etc.. etc..
Regarding your topic:
That's because you're only a Member :P
If only we know that's enough... ;)
My question:
There seems to be a lot of Members here but we know nothing of them. Who are they, why are they members, what do they do, etc.. etc..
It would be nice to know who this group of people are. I mean some of them really do not post anything but they are moderators.
This is supposed to be a "community" after all.
Just curious: Does this mean that you want to become a moderator?
But regarding those other moderators:
Maybe those not posting are moderators of an inactive board. I don't know. For this you must be at the OpperAdmin...
No, I dont want to become a modeator necessarily. I just want to know more about the people that are moderating the boards.
Example: You see to be extremely well versed in several Cognos products and are very helpful on many levels. My questions for you would be, how long have you used cognos? Whats your specialty?
Most boards have a "who are we" type post with a quick blurb on each mod.
If you need or want this to be secret then I guess I can live with it. It is just a nice thing to get to know some of the more helpful people around here, nothing more. (example: the board "introduce yourself" wasnt even used by the mods)
Ok to answer your question:
I've been working with CRN from the begining (version 1.0);
Also have I been working with Impromptu and Transformer.
My specialty?
Don't know.. I think ReportNet.. just love working with ReportNet and trying to extend it's capabilities (e.g. my world map). Have found out a lot by myself and furthermore I had some Cognos Trainings (see profile)
Same for me , Reportnet from the beginning
Impromptu , Cognos Query , transformer , PPES , IWR...
A bit of Architect to go with Cognos Query ( by the way I hate it)
A small touch of visualizer.
2 articles published in SupportLink.
Waiting for the cognos 8 to be downloadable...
All of these since 5 years already.
And I have been asked to join the Moderator bunch earlier this week.
I registered in Cognoise when seeing all the advertisement done in tek-tips ( Always good to have several places where to share knowledge and learn from others.
I'm a moderator but I'm not saying anything ... paranoid about the "man"!
Actually I've been using Cognos products since January 1990. That's right, 1990. Cognos dates back to the late '70s much to some people's surprise.
My specific skills areas are: Cognos PowerHouse 4GL/Web (Quiz, Quick, QTP), DecisionStream ETL, PowerPlay/Transformer, and Impromptu/IWR. I've started getting into ReportNet.
I am also a data warehouse/data mart expert and occaisional DBA (specifically with SQL Server).
Oops - sorry, coginaustin I must have missed this post.
The Global Moderators are mostly the initial startup crew (eg. Blue, dwood etc) plus some new guys (eg. Darek, ReportNet Addict, Draoued) whom I've asked to join the team given the quality of their posts in addition to the enthusiasm that they bring to the community. They are spread throughout the globe and have diversity in language representation (Draoued in French, RAddict in Dutch etc).
All moderators are community-minded people most importantly but also have technical skills in one or more of the product range (and/or functional skills).
They all give their valuable time freely and help all who seek it without question.
I hope that through time, the brandname might come to represent something that adds value to their resume or business (as a small recompense for their time and effort).
Hope that helps - I am in constant awe and appreciation of the moderators - eg. Darek's massive contribution (over 200 quality posts!) and ReportNet Addict's tutorials. The help that these experts give so freely and with such detail just blows me away!
Oops X2
I forgot to mention:
- Darek has been published in SupportLink on numerous occasions (and has given up following the Polish football scene)
- ReportNet Addict is a diehard Feyenoord supporter
- Draoued is a tek-tips MVP
- Blue is a PowerHouse guru (and has led a very interesting life away from the IT)
- Merri is an accomplished artist and bakes the best banana bread in the world
- dwood could renovate your house and tell you all you wanted to know about pedigree spoodles
...the rest are just groupies......heheheheh :-X
I'm flattered... Tnx Admin
Btw... Merri.. send me a piece of banana bread... I'm hungry :D
Well since we are doing the round of introductions and some interest has been evinced in getting to know us. Here I go..
I have been working on Business Intelligence tools viz. Cognos, SAS, Siebel Analytics and Informatica since 1997. I first started out with Impromptu. I got to know that product so well that I have been answering questions on Impromptu in the board mostly from memory as I no longer use Impromptu.
Besides BI tools I do some programming with PL/SQL, Java, Base SAS ,VB and BEA Weblogic.
I have an MBA and an MS in Comp Sc. from RPI.
My acquaintance with ReportNet only started with version 1.1 MR2 in 2005.
I am the BI architect and administrator for ReportNet which is why you may notice an administrator slant in most of my posts.
I also do FM Modelling and SDK development and a little bit of ReportNet reporting.
I had published an article on Supportlink. It is difficult to get Cognos to publish. They are still sitting on another abstract of mine not telling me either way.
My favorite hobby is spending quality time with my 2.5 month old first born and surfing as time permits.
BTW this is such an awesome board. This board should be recognized by Cognos for the contribition it is doing to the user community.
Ok better stop before I get carried away with myself ;D
QuoteMy favorite hobby is spending quality time with my 2.5 month old first born and surfing as time permits. comes second??Ã, >:(
That must change!!!
Well I guess I should say a little about myself as I'm also a moderator.Ã, Or maybe I could be "the Unkown Moderator" and keep everyone guessing?Ã, :)
I have worked with lots of Cognos products for many years, beginning with PowerHouse a long long time ago, and including the usual Impromptu, PowerPlay, IWR, DecisionStream, CQ etc, as well as the more obscure IWQ and Architect (the original, and the new).
More recently I have done a lot with ReportNet, and more recently still Cognos 8, so I'm hoping to be able to field some questions on that once they start to filter through.
I worked for many years as a Cognos developer, but for the last few I have been an instructor of most things Cognos.
I was invited to become a moderator back in July - I think Cognoise Administrator took pity on me and wanted to give me something useful to do.Ã, :)
It is a privilege to be part of such a great team here at - I am constantly amazed at the depth of knowledge and experience I see in here, and the selfless dedication of those who do so much to assist others.
Best regards,
(Mostly Flummoxed?)
Powerhouse... So you must be one of the elderly around here ;)
Elderly, but not quite dead yet! Perhaps Blue and I could start the "Cognoise Senior Citizens" club? (Sorry Blue, but after all those years on the PowerHouse List, I couldn't resist!)
Perhaps I should create my tutorials with a larger font, harder sound and let them move slower :P
ooh that's nasty. And I just had a birthday too.
PowerHouse is STILL around and STILL being sold and STILL be used to develop new applications. Just ask Conrad Whithall.
I just got back from the Cognos 8 (BI) seminar in Sydney. I am excited about what's happening with the BI tools. I tried to convince the product manager, Mark, to consider including PowerHouse Web (Form Studio?) in Cognos 9 as a totally web based form designer utilising Framework Manager instead of PHD. Not interested. As far as he is concerned PH is a dead product and the BI side has no and never will haev any interest in it. :(
Anyway, whatever pays the bills.
so PH is like COBOL... Still used and DEAD :D :P
Btw.. I also had my birthday last week...
Quote from: ReportNet Addict on 26 Oct 2005 11:29:51 AM
Perhaps I should create my tutorials with a larger font, harder sound and let them move slower :P
Thanks for that, ReportNet Addict - it's good to know you have a warm, caring side to your nature :) Maybe you could consider writing a version in sanskrit too?
Sorry... I know 10 languages but Sanskrit ain't one of them ... Sorry... Maybe when I've got time I'll try to study it :D
I loved that senior citizens crack ;D
Mental picture of Abe Simpson and friends crowding around a re-run of Matlock!
LOL... Can't you add a magnifying glass for the elderly.. In the Netherlands, sites are tested on accessibility this... Something like: and click on the text: "Grote letters" and select: "Grootst"
QuoteIt is a privilege to be part of such a great team here at - I am constantly amazed at the depth of knowledge and experience I see in here, and the selfless dedication of those who do so much to assist others.
Quote from: MFGF on 26 Oct 2005 10:32:00 AM
I was invited to become a moderator back in July - I think Cognoise Administrator took pity on me and wanted to give me something useful to do. :)
It is a privilege to be part of such a great team here at - I am constantly amazed at the depth of knowledge and experience I see in here, and the selfless dedication of those who do so much to assist others.
Best regards,
(Mostly Flummoxed?)
All the young kids at home should read MFGF's first few posts on ReportNet. From memory, he was the first non-startup team member I pleaded with to join us as a moderator. Then we all sat back....... ;D
We were lost when he went on his three week holiday!
BTW He is also an tek-tips MVP and I am very, very grateful for his participation.
Oh now you're making me blush!
I was honoured to be asked to participate, and I'm very grateful for the compliment.
(Mightily Flattered)
Holy necromancy, Batman! This is the oldest thread I've ever responded to! Since someone decided it was a good idea to make me a mod, I suppose I should introduce myself as well.
In December of 2007 I was asked to migrate a vast library of reports from Hyperion BRIO to a state-of-the-art BI platform called Cognos 8.2. Since the training I received was, at best, non existent, I was almost constantly going through the Cognoise forum archives looking for answers to various problems I had.
Since then, Cognos has helped me move onwards and upwards. I've done consultancy work for companies and government offices all over Israel, including the Road Safety Authority. I am proud to say that all statistics published by the RSA now come from Cognos.
I have one article (maybe two with the upcoming issue) published in Supportlink. I've taught several classes, some following the official IBM course, and some of my own design. At a recent Cognos convention I had two of my reporting platforms put on display and gave a lecture on modifying Cognos internals.
Primarily I am a reporting guy. I dabble in data modelling on occasion, but only when nobody else can do it.
I was thrilled to be invited to become moderator, and am still pretty happy about it. Cognoise has helped me countless times, and it's a pleasure and an honor to be part of the team.
Looks like this thread gets a new reply every 5 years or so....perhaps it is time once again for an update? It seems to me we have a new mod on the scene :)
Heartiest welcome, bdbits, in your new role and many thanks for all the great contributions you have made as a member here.
Oh dear, aren't we supposed to be shrouded in the anonymity of the internet? No one said I would have to get real when they asked me to be a moderator. :D
bdbits enjoys long walks on the beach and romantic candlelight dinners. Oh wait, no, that's for some other site. :o
(Given recent news events, I should note I am quite happily married for decades now. No Ashley Madison or the like, the above is just a silly attempt at humor. Which I've now ruined by having to explain that, lol.)
Let's see... Been in IT for 25 years or so, seen and done a lot of different things over the years, sort of a jack-of-all-trades and master of none. I've been doing the Cognos thing a little over six years, started on 8.2 (I think) and now on 10.2.1. A co-worker and I do most of the data warehouse design and implementation (whether Cognos or not), and Cognos modeling and support work with some report development now and then. We try to encourage self-service, which only works some of the time. I also do a fair bit of ETL with MS tools.
I was surprised at getting asked to be a moderator. I am no CognosPaul, but I try to help when I think I might have enough of a clue to point someone in the right direction. Then I hope someone else jumps in with the coup de grâce answer for the problem at hand. 8)
And that's about all I have to say about that.