Hi All,
I'm quite new to Cognos, and I'm in need of a little assistance!
I've been asked to add users under a consumer license, but I can't find where or how to do this. I add users via Access Manager, but can't see anything about choosing a license here. I have different Root User Classes to assign users to, but these were already set up when I took on support (with little handover unfortunately!), and I'm not sure how these affect the access.
Also, I've been asked to add certain users so they are restricted to a particular report folder - so I have added these users to a new role in Cognos (only 8 users so decided to do this instead of add to a Group) and assigned this role permissions (read, execute, traverse) to the particular report folder. However, these users can view Report Studio/Query Studio and all other reporting folders! I'm unsure as to how this works - would the consumer license have an effect on this?
Struggling to see where I need to go next - to find the elusive consumer license, or how to restrict this access down...
Can anyone assist or point me in the right direction?
Many thanks!
There is a "Consumers" role. See Directory >> Cognos ... if you dont have this role, you may create it. Users in the "Consumers" role may have a different root-folder.
in ..\c8-path\templates\ps\system.xml
<!-- Specify the base navigation root for consumers. -->
<param name="consumer-root">/content/folder[@name='your_user_root_folder']</param>
The licence part is something for your finance department.
Let me know if this worked for you.
Hello Rich,
I would advise the following:
1. Review the contents of each of the roles. Remember that out of the box, the 'Everyone' group belongs to several of the roles and should be removed. This can cause the confusing behavior that you describe.
2. Once you have verified that the everyone group has been removed from each of the roles, ensure that you have created an Access Manager User Class for each Cognos 8 Role, and add each User Class to it's corresponding Role. This will help you to manage licenses as you can quickly tell which users belong to which role.
Note that this is necessarily oversimplified, as the best answer is to create a set of roles/user classes that will allow for easy administration, yet still be flexible enough to satisfy the business needs.
Please let me know if this helps, or if you need additional details.
Hi Guys,
Thanks a lot - this has helped.
I literally twigged the 'Everyone' group thing just before I read your response Zack :), but your response does help because it clarifies the basic process I need to look at. I agree - keeping it simple is definitely the way forward! ;D
And thanks Raro - I see what you mean with the role of Consumers - I think people were confused (as well as confusing me!) when they were using the word license to be honest!
I guess a review of access and setting up relevant roles is now in order!! ::)
Cheers for the quick responses.