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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: Morgan on 12 May 2008 03:28:09 PM

Title: Message when report user enters date later than maximum db date
Post by: Morgan on 12 May 2008 03:28:09 PM
Any help is appreciated! I'm looking for a technique that will display a message when the requested date for data on the report is later than the latest business date’s data that is loaded to the TA Data Mart. Perhaps a pre-built filter in framework?

Thank you :)
Title: Re: Message when report user enters date later than maximum db date
Post by: blom0344 on 13 May 2008 03:34:51 AM
You will probably not need such a construction. If you use a prompt for the date and bias this against the highest date in your datamart then the promptlist of the date will be restricted and the user will not even have an option to choose a 'to high' a date..

The query that is associated with the date will have to do the work  :)
Title: Re: Message when report user enters date later than maximum db date
Post by: Morgan on 13 May 2008 06:34:26 PM
Thank you for your help. We use pre-built filters for a majority of our date prompts. Currently we get a blank report when the date entered into the prompt is greater than the max date in the db. Because a blank report can be for many reasons, we want the user to know it's just because they chose a bad date.

Does your solution make the unavailable dates in the date prompt's calendar gray out? How does it restrict the user from having the option of a too-high date?

Thanks again!
Title: Re: Message when report user enters date later than maximum db date
Post by: blom0344 on 14 May 2008 06:18:08 AM
We abstain from using calender prompts altogether and use a value prompt in order to restrict the resultset of dates to those that will have corresponding factdata.
No idea what will happen with a calender prompt..
Title: Re: Message when report user enters date later than maximum db date
Post by: almeids on 14 May 2008 11:05:45 AM
Having never used a calendar prompt I was curious - turns out you can't drive them with a query, the only content control is static min and max dates (at least in ReportNet).
Blom's suggested approach is in my opinion your best bet if the range of dates is not too large to be practical in a value prompt.
Title: Re: Message when report user enters date later than maximum db date
Post by: blom0344 on 15 May 2008 03:39:52 AM
I think Cognos 8 is very much the same as ReportNet regarding date-prompts. The regular date-prompt has no association with a query. It is a stand-alone object that feeds a parameter.