can anyone explain me the advantages and disadvantegs of tabular sql?
Are you on ReportNet or on Cognos8?
Tabular SQL will allow you to bypass the metadata layer. In some cases you can come up with more efficient SQL than Cognos can muster (or use constructions that can not be build with a framework) But obviously the code is static with possible consequences in the longer run. Avoid if at all possible..
There really is no such thing in Cognos 8 like it was in ReportNet. Tabular SQL can viewed for a query, but that is for testing only... that is not used in the report, and sometimes doesn't even match the SQL the generated at report execution.
Blom ... What you are alluding to is an "SQL" query, which indeed allows you to write SQL directly to the RDBMS and indeed avoiding the Framework (Metadata) This is not to be confused with Tabular SQL, and I would say it should only be used as a last resort, as using this defeats the entire purpose of purchasing and implementing an application like Cognos 8
Why is a SQL query not to be confused with Tabular SQL? Sounds like exactly the same thing though within the C8 RS architecture rather than ReportNet's. Tabular SQL is exactly as blom0344 describes, and while I also agree it should be avoided I don't know that its use in rare cases "defeats the entire purpose" of BI, which is to provide reporting solutions to the business!
C8 and ReportNet terminology have a tendency to make my head spin. That was why I was referring to whether C8 or ReportNet was used.
(AFAI remember Reportnet used tabular SQL to indicate a SQL query)
As to the use of straight SQL: There is a limit in what can be achieved by FM and in some cases it is nice to have the option to use it anyway.