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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: johny.cbi on 06 May 2008 12:49:06 PM

Title: last 10 ranks
Post by: johny.cbi on 06 May 2008 12:49:06 PM

I want to display last 10 ranks in a report

thanks for the reply
Title: Re: last 10 ranks
Post by: blom0344 on 07 May 2008 06:11:14 AM
Order the respective fact in ascending/descending order (depending on your needs)
Title: Re: last 10 ranks
Post by: johny.cbi on 07 May 2008 08:32:27 AM

i have 1,000 items, i only want to show the last 10, not just sort them
Title: Re: last 10 ranks
Post by: blom0344 on 07 May 2008 09:23:41 AM
Yes I understand, but depending on the sort order the ranking will get you the top 10 or the last 10. (10 lowest values)
Title: Re: last 10 ranks
Post by: almeids on 07 May 2008 09:37:21 AM
Read between the lines, Johny... you need to rank and filter.
Title: Re: last 10 ranks
Post by: rockytopmark on 07 May 2008 10:07:20 PM
If your data source is OLAP or DMR, you can use the BottomCount() function.  I am not sure if this function will work with relationally modeled metadata.
Title: Re: last 10 ranks
Post by: Gopinath on 09 May 2008 03:44:43 AM
Order the Rank field in descending order.

Create a condition in Condition Explorer as Rownumber()<=10

Set the the Boxtype Property of the fields to None, if the condition is false