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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: Anand on 04 May 2008 08:32:14 AM

Title: Drill through from chart report
Post by: Anand on 04 May 2008 08:32:14 AM
Hi All,
I have created a bar chart using
X axis:Month
Y axis:Product line

and i click on Jan camping equipment it should drill through to the list report showing for the perticular jan product line and its revenue  and i have ceated list report and i have applied the drill through to the list report by passing year and month parameters but i am getting for all months in the detail report from any link on the parent.Please can any one suggest about this issue.(chart should display all the months for the perticular year)

Title: Re: Drill through from chart report
Post by: a_naveen15 on 05 May 2008 01:55:29 AM
Quote from: Anand on 04 May 2008 08:32:14 AM
Hi All,
I have created a bar chart using
X axis:Month
Y axis:Product line

and i click on Jan camping equipment it should drill through to the list report showing for the perticular jan product line and its revenue  and i have ceated list report and i have applied the drill through to the list report by passing year and month parameters but i am getting for all months in the detail report from any link on the parent.Please can any one suggest about this issue.(chart should display all the months for the perticular year)

Title: Re: Drill through from chart report
Post by: a_naveen15 on 05 May 2008 01:57:42 AM
i am new to cognoise ,anyway for the list report take the prompt as month and u can get the output what u except.

Quote from: Anand on 04 May 2008 08:32:14 AM
Hi All,
I have created a bar chart using
X axis:Month
Y axis:Product line

and i click on Jan camping equipment it should drill through to the list report showing for the perticular jan product line and its revenue  and i have ceated list report and i have applied the drill through to the list report by passing year and month parameters but i am getting for all months in the detail report from any link on the parent.Please can any one suggest about this issue.(chart should display all the months for the perticular year)

Title: Re: Drill through from chart report
Post by: dsg1 on 05 May 2008 02:18:20 AM
create the prompts in the detal reports and in the chart, pass the parameters by clicking the necessary fiels from the properties label in the properties pane
Title: Re: Drill through from chart report
Post by: Anand on 05 May 2008 04:41:54 AM
Hi Thanks For the reply and i have created prompts in the target report and i have applied the drill through from the chart but it is isplaying all the records in the target report irrespective of drill through button i want the out put as tooltips value in the target report.Please update me the solution.

Title: Re: Drill through from chart report
Post by: a_naveen15 on 05 May 2008 05:02:12 AM
Hi anand,
   for the drill through options pass the dataitem value.
at the parameters u give the method as pass dataitem value and in the value give the dataitem and click ok.

Quote from: Anand on 05 May 2008 04:41:54 AM
Hi Thanks For the reply and i have created prompts in the target report and i have applied the drill through from the chart but it is isplaying all the records in the target report irrespective of drill through button i want the out put as tooltips value in the target report.Please update me the solution.
