I have two - three different queries. They all have emp id in it. I have a prompt that filters all the three queries with the same emp_id. I want to break the page based on emp_id. As user can select multiple emp_ids. I know the way to do it using page break. But it only works, if i have one query but with multiple queries. It does not work
please advice
Create a Page Set, and group it on EmpID. This is done from the Page Explorer --> Report Pages.
Whenever the EmpID changes, you'll get a new page.
If you have multiple query-based objects (Lists, XTabs, Charts) these may have to have Master Detail relationships set to the Page Set query, EmpID = EmpID.
thanks for the reply!
i tried master detail relationship, but when ever i try that, i get only one empl id and doesnt get any others? dont know what i am doing wrong.
the way i do is ;
select the list (query), click on the master detail relationship and create a join to another query based on emp_id.
please advice
it worked.
thank you very much