We need to delete the unused Reports and archive them. Is there any way to find when a report is viewed last time?
Read up on auditing and turn it on if it isn't already.
Thank you for your reply. I will surely read on auditing and will turn it on. But is there any way I can know which reports were not viewed from certain period of time?
Thanks again,
Yes, once you've turned on auditing. Or you may be able to trawl though log files, very impractical assuming you even keep them around as long as you need to look back. Can't give you advice there as it's been too long since I've dealt with them (and never in C8).
Thanks almeids,
Actually auditing is turned on long before. Now I see that there is an audit database in SQL Server. How can I find the reports that were not viewed since a certain time. Also I am wondering if its enough if I just look for the last run time of a report? or should I look for last viewed time? Does a saved report reflect the latest data in the database or not? I think its enough if we take the last run time in consideration when archiving. But I was asked to find last viewed time. Does that make any difference?
H! The table cogipf_viewreport is populated when a user views the report. There's a timestamp so you could look for the max(cogipf_localtimestamp) for the report. Both the search path and report name are in the table.
Early versions of ReportNet did not handle this table properly so you should be on at least 7.3.
Thanks for your reply,
I found that there are so many reports which are not used anymore. Can you suggest a way for me so that I can archive all the unused reports at once, instead of sending each report into Archive?
Thanks again,
Do you have the SDK? From the cogipf_viewreport table, you can create a file of the search paths of the reports to be archived. Then use the SDK to archive the report xml to disk and then delete the report.
No we don't have SDK. Can we use Content Store database and write some sort of VB program to move the reports which we see in Audit database to some Archive folder?
I appreciate if you could give me any information on Content store.