I am trying to login to UpFront through an IE browser with a valid user id and password (currently using Administrator profile), however after I press enter I am returned to the same login page with the following error message: " Enter a user ID and password that is valid for Cognos applications."
I am able to go to the server that is running Access Manager and login. So I know that the user id and password are fine. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Windows XP SP2 client with IE 6 and Windows Server 2000.
Is this the 1st time you are trying to login to Upfront after installation?
Did you turn the security on in Access Manager? There is an option 'Set Security on'.
That's the weird thing.
As far is I know, nothing has been changed in the environment.
Everything was working fine last Friday, and now today I can't sign via the web.
I was able to get in through a browser on the server where everything is installed.
But when I try to login from my laptop it fails.
Have you cleared your browsers cache and removed all related cookies? IWR security will use a cookie on your machine. Has a cookie been left over or have you changed any security options in your browser? Have you tried logging in from another machine?
I was able to log in on another machine, which leads me to beleive that it is a local problem. I tried clearing my cache and deleting all my cookies, but that didn't help. I haven't changed any security selections on my browser. It's really a mystery so far.
Firewall issue...
Thanks for all of your input.