Hi guys,
Just doing some tests to determine when exactly a new bibus process will spawn.
I have set interactive processes to 1 with low and high affinity to 1 each. I run a few reports and can see a bibus process. Theoretically if i start hammering it and it all affinity requests are used for the bibus, thats when it's ready to spawn a new bibus. But the max is 1 so I would expect an error to come up saying that "there are not enough processes configured" . But it does spawn a 2nd bibus. Can anyone explain how this is possible when i have max interactive set as 1?
It could be that you're confusing the system. The spawning proces should be started when 50% of the interactive reports has been reached. I doubt it that cognos has tested your 1/1 setup.
Maybe tinkering with the reportservice.xml can help you with what you want to achive. Just search the cognos KB for ghost bibusses and how to kill them imediatly by setting idle to 0 in a few locations.
Hi , I wasn't aware that it would spawn a new bibus when 50% capacity is reached. I might have to check that part out.
I guess I'm trying to find out, say even if I have 4 max processes for interactive configured, there have been times when I have seen more (batch processes disabled). Has anyone else seen more than they have configured for?
In 8.1 this was happening all over the place, but in 8.2 SP1 and 8.3 it has improved much, resulting in true bibusses only. On a few occasions i did saw a ghost or 2, but as long as they do not remain indefinite and do not consume to much memory i can live with it. It does not answer your question of course. ;)
Hi dutch,
You could be on to something. On 8.3 , i set max interactive and all affinities to 1. Hammered it, reports slowed to a crawl but never more than 1 bibus in task manager
in c8mr2, applied same settings, and 2 bibus's spawned when max interactive set to 1.
I guess it's a product bugginess in the older versions. Cheers.