nnn.nnn.nnn.125:9080 28331 2008-04-28 06:59:45.758 +1 Thread-86 xts 2916 2 Audit.ps.xts StartService PresentationService Success PRS-PRO-0511 A partial reinitialization of the XTS processor is required.
Anybody knows the meaning of this error message?
Most commonly it appears near this one:
PRS-PRO-0510 A full reinitialization of the XTS processor is required.
Thanks for your hints in advance!
Have you modified the /templates/ps/portal/system.xml at all? I've seen that happen with you modify that file without using a proper xml editor.
Yes, we changed templates/ps/portal/system.xml about a year ago.
The error PRS-PRO-0511 did not appear before. All other development, test
and stageing systems are running smoth. The xml-files are deployed via
shell-script from a system-wide-archiv.
So i suppose the xml is ok.
How would you check if the xml-file is proper or unproper?
I guess you don't have the original system.xml that you can drop back in to test with?
PRS-PRO-0511 error is usually related to issue with Cryptographic keys( Expired) . Regeneration of keys solves this issue.
Replying to an old thread as it may help someone.