Hi gurus
We are in need to create a cube and then we need to create the reports in report studio from the cube.
Can any one give suggestion what we are doing is correct or wrong
1.In fm we are going to import the query subjects in physical layer.
2.create the bukagesiness layer and then create the hierarchy and levels in the model for cube.
3.Then publish the model what we created the hierarchy and level as IQD in local disk.\
4.Then use the IQD as source for Transformer 7.4 and then create the cube by categerizing the dimensions and fact.
5.Create the cubes and save as MDC.
6.Then again open the FM and import the MDC into Fm and make the model,then publish the package.
7.Then use the Report studio tool to create the reports.
Can any one say what i am following is correct or wrong.Then i want to know by creating the reports in report studio can we get all the cubes function over there.
Thanks in advance
Step 2... No need to Model Dimensionally in FM, since you will not be able to leverage that in Transformer. Regular query subjects will do fine but they need to contain all that is needed in Transformer.
Your Query subjects that will be used to create the IQDs must be setup to include all the keys and labels for all the levels of the hierarchies... aka a Flattened dimension query.
Can u clear a thing that why u want Cube?
Because as we are creating Hierarchies and Measures in Cube same way we can create that in FM by using Dimension Map.
and use that in Report Studio/Analysis Studio.
Quote from: cognoise007 on 27 Apr 2008 08:35:09 AM
Hi gurus
We are in need to create a cube and then we need to create the reports in report studio from the cube.
Can any one give suggestion what we are doing is correct or wrong
1.In fm we are going to import the query subjects in physical layer.
2.create the bukagesiness layer and then create the hierarchy and levels in the model for cube.
3.Then publish the model what we created the hierarchy and level as IQD in local disk.\
4.Then use the IQD as source for Transformer 7.4 and then create the cube by categerizing the dimensions and fact.
5.Create the cubes and save as MDC.
6.Then again open the FM and import the MDC into Fm and make the model,then publish the package.
7.Then use the Report studio tool to create the reports.
Can any one say what i am following is correct or wrong.Then i want to know by creating the reports in report studio can we get all the cubes function over there.
Thanks in advance
I'll chime in.... Cubes are REALLY Fast.... DMR is really NOT
and also, the dimesional functions aren't working well in DMR for now. So if you want to use MDX and related functions, then you only choice is Cube(OLAP).