IN Cognos 8 Report Studio the Requirement is in COLUMN CHART I have to show Quantity & Revenue for each order methods ( there are 7 order method) for each product line
1. Product line on category , order method on series , revenue on measure
2. Revenue on Y1 axis & Quantity on Y2 axis
3. Revenue for each Order method for each product line is bar column & Quantity for each Order method for each product line is shown as line.
Result will be like : on x axis each product line will have
1) 7 bars ( one for each order method ) showing revenue
2) 7 lines (one for each order method ) showing quantity
I have also attach a SCREEN SHOT.
I tried with COMBINATION CHART also but not able to do it. I think I am missing some step please help me.
Its urgent kindly guide me.
You are plotting 5 categories (product line) against 7 series (method).
That is basically 5*7 combination for each measure = 35 bars + 35 linepoints
As far as I can judge the graph seems to plot the data that you assign it to plot..
Hi blom,
there are only 7 bars in each product line for each order method showing revenue measure
Kindly look at the attachment
I read your original post a couple of times and have seen the image. To me , it looks like it is doing what it should.
7 bars per product line * 5 productlines = 35 bars total.
But perhaps I'm missing your point..
Bloom far as " revenue " is concerned I am able to show in chart as " BARS " on " Y1 axis " so far it is simple
but I am not able to show " quantity " as " LINE " on " Y2 axis " when " order method " is already on series.
Bloom let me know ur mail id or u can contact me at & I will revert back.
I agree, the graph looks to be doing what it should.
Maybe a mockup (drawing) of what you are trying to acheive would enable better advice?
some people were not able to see screen shot that I have attached on 25 Apr 2008 05:30:04 AM but in later post at 25 Apr 2008 09:50:37 u can see the attachment
Somehow I am not able to show data as shown in screen shot
Senior guys guide me
So your screen shot is your goal or what you are getting from Cognos?
Confused amateur
Yes the screen shot is my goal.
I have to create this chart...
Am i missing something here
Here you go.