There is something that I still do not understand the use: when you are defining a Drill-through (in C8.2), the third tab of the window is for the "Label".
(the others are "Target report", "Bookmark")
So, what is it supposed to do ?
I've tried a hundred of different things, but I never saw something new within the object that as a Drill-Through, could somebody give me an example ?
In fact, I hope that I could have the same thing (a 'Hint Window' as we say in c++ or delphi for ex) that appears when the mouse is over a hyperlink object, except that I hope I could define the text that will appear.
Is it possible with this property ?
Something important: the type of output report is always PDF format.
I haven't had a chance to test it but I think it means "the target will be some label" - of course you'd have to have set up a data item in the report to use the Label data type instead of Data Value or Report Expression or whatever. I think it's saying it'll look for that label as the target of the drillthrough.