I'm new to Cognos and learning to write reports. My question concerns a best practices issue. In the CBT training, the example dataset had multiple data packages that all worked together seamlessly. In our environment, on the other hand, we have numerous data packages and I can't use data items from different packages together (I'm wise enough to only try to use data items that belong together). Thus, data items appear in multiple packages.
When I have problems with this feature our Cognos developer adds a new data package containing all the items that I currently need. This seems less than optimal, and I'm concerned about the organization of our Cognos reporting tool and it's eventual functionality. Because I'm not skilled in database management, I have no way to validate my suspicions. Any comments would be much appreciated.
From your brief description it sounds as though the modeller may not have the necessary skills (or time) to come up with an appropriate, comprehensive model that will support your anticipated reporting requirements and is instead banging out one-off quick fixes to keep you at bay. If that is the case, you are correct that this is definitely not the way to go. Your company will pay for it in the long run in support and maintenance costs. If your roles are rigidly defined - i.e. you do the report writing, someone else does the data modelling - then you may be at the mercy of the modeller. If there's any opportunity for you to pick up some of that role, that would be one way to exercise some influence on the design, or if you work for a common manager perhaps you could diplomatically suggest some (additional?) Cognos training for the modeller.
Having said that, since you are new to Cognos there is also the possibility that you don't understand the design intentions and that there is some method to the modeller's perceived madness. It is a normal condition not to be using "different packages together", and there is nothing inherently wrong with data items appearing in multiple packages. It may just be your modeller's design approach to develop many very specific, targeted packages rather than ones with broader application.
As long as you are able to do your job effectively and provide the solutions that the business needs, give it some time. Learn as much as you can about the database and the metadata so you'll be in a better position to determine whether the environment really is suboptimal.