I have a crosstab report with nested dimensions. Dimension B is nested in Dimension A. My data source is a cube and I am trying to drill through to a list report built from a relational data source.
My source report (the crosstab) has one prompt based on the time dimension. Basically, the users get to drill up and down on both Dimensions A and B. At some point, they will need to drill through to the list report. The problem is that only value (parameter?) that i do the drill through on is passed to the target report. For instance, if I right-click, drill-through on Dimension A, only the value from that dimension is passed. I want values from both dimensions passed. I have tried this using the Package level drill-through as well as the report level drill-through.
Has anybody come across this issue before? Any help is much appreciated.
Did you ever find out how to make this work? I have a similar issue and can't seem to figure it out.
no such luck. nobody seems to want to touch this question with a 10ft pole. unfortunately, this requirement was removed from my project and i have moved on to other things. i suspect i'll come back to this at some point though. i'll make sure to let you know when i figure it out.