I want to draw a target line in a line chart. I have two series and i want to know when each series reached its target value.Please let me know if you are aware of any solution.
In the properties of the line chart under the Annotations section, there are baselines and/or markers you can add to your chart. Hope this helps. Jeff
It will not help.any other ideas.
Add 2 more series with static measure values?
the target value must be straight line on y-axis. so adding 2 series may not solve it.
Both these suggestions you have received WILL PROBABLY WORK!!!
Are you trying to implement them before your replies?!?!?
The static values suggestion from Almeids will ABSOLUTELY work, since the target value expression will be the same along the entire set of data, thus giving you a line that is straight as can be.
Are you trying to implement them before your replies?!?!? i am not posting for fun.
almeids and jguevin,your suggestions may work in some cases but our users have very high target value than their base value and they don't want to change the x and y axis coordinates everytime.
anyway i explained them how chart works now they want a different chart.
Thanks for everyone who replied in the thread.