Hi to all!
Someone can say me how I can (if I can) hide the "Launch" link on the main header of the cognos connection portal?
Thanks a lot!
If you are referring to the "welcome page" that comes up at startup, here is how you can remove it. In Cognos Connection, go to Tools > My Preferences. Within My Preferences and the General tab, there should be a "Show the Welcome page at startup" check box on the top right-hand portion of the "specify your settings" area. If you uncheck this, the Welcome page will not come up at startup.
Thanks for the answer!
No, I'm trying to hide the Launch menu, in the portal.
The Launch menu contain the link for the Cognos BI Application (Report Studio, Query Studio, ecc...).
The Launch link, in Cognos BI 8.3 portal, is located near the help button, on the first banner (the banner that contain the wording "Cognos Connection").
Thanks a lot!
Little up...
I've found a Cognos Document that explain how to hide some section of the Cognos Connection Portal adding some code in the system.xml file.
Whit the following code:
<param name="ui_hide">
I can hide the Right-hand side of the Cognos Connection top header (h1) and there are some options to hide the single elements like Query Studio link, Report Studio link, ecc...(for ex. to hide Query Studio I must modify the line <CRN_HEADER_OPTIONS/> in <CRN_HEADER_OPTIONS_qs/>.
I'm not found the way to hide the Launch link.
I hope that someone know the solution!
Don't know about 8.3 but in 8.1 that section is called <CC_HEADER_MENU/>. Try to add <CC_HEADER_MENU_launch/> in your ui_hide section of the system.xml.
I've tried whit all the two suggest solution but the Launch link is ever-present! :(
Have a look at page 462 of the 8.3 Administration and Security guide, about hiding the Launch (m1) menu option.
With the support of Administration and Security guide I've seen that we can hide all the object in Launch menu (Cognos Administration link excluded) but there's no way to hide the Launch menu Link.
The only solution to hide the launch menu that I've found is to add in the system.xml the instructions :
<param name="ui_hide">
In this case we can hide the launch link but we must do without all the other objects in the upper right side of the main header (like home link, search field,ecc...)
How about some trial and error with those options?
Maybe something like (did not try myself):
<param name="ui_hide">
<CRN_HEADER show="Administrators m1"/>
I would have hoped that something like
<param name="ui_hide">
would work. That is the way you can hide objects in other containers.
I've tried whit the instruction
<param name="ui_hide">
but don't work!
Make sure that when adding the <param name = "ui_hide"> statements, to include this in the correct spot in the system.xml file, right after the version = 3.0 text. Also, after making a change to the xml file, be sure to restart the cognos services (via Cognos Configuration).
I was able to disable one of the Studio's via this method, using the Administration & Security Guide: hide elements section.
Try disabling each of the studio's and then actually removing the 'Launch' link via the CSS. One thing you need to figure out is: what code generates the 'Launch' link to appear. Perhaps view source (of the CC) can assist you in finding the source code.
Quote from: CognosPolzovatel on 28 Apr 2008 12:18:54 PM
Make sure that when adding the <param name = "ui_hide"> statements, to include this in the correct spot in the system.xml file, right after the version = 3.0 text. Also, after making a change to the xml file, be sure to restart the cognos services (via Cognos Configuration).
I was able to disable one of the Studio's via this method, using the Administration & Security Guide: hide elements section.
Try disabling each of the studio's and then actually removing the 'Launch' link via the CSS. One thing you need to figure out is: what code generates the 'Launch' link to appear. Perhaps view source (of the CC) can assist you in finding the source code.
Is there any way that we can hide some of the functions inside the report studio or analysis studio? E.g. I don't want the users to be able to save as the report, etc etc. Does the system.xml file able to customize until this level?
you can restrict the users to save the report in public folder
is this what your are looking for ?