Right now, we have 4 gb ram,2 cpu server and 32 bit windows server. I am using small configuration.
We are planning to upgrade to 8 gb ram, 2 cpu server and 64 bit windows.
so can i use large configuration? but i was going through the forum and saw few posts not to use large configuration. But rather use multiple instances of cognos, but i only have 2 cpu not 4 cpu.
So i need some advice what would be right configuration i can use with an upgraded machine to enhance performance
Inside the java memory configuration you run 2 servlets (dispatcher and content manager) and you run the sort buffer memory allocation. If your current system does not error out users on no memory available from a portal level, then you will not benefit from a large configuration. Upping your 768 value to 1024 is what most Cognos techies activate when encountering a large memory system.
That will leave 8 -2 gig kernel mode - 1 gig java stack = 5 gig available for your bibus processes who need the actual power to calculate the reports. Based on system monitoring you can start changing your number of interactive processes and number of low affinity untill your server is working well, but not saturating the cpu's (as then the JVM will choke and stop servicing alltogehter)
The server java stack JVM get's saturated by handeling a load of bibusses at about 8 cpu's (regardless of the number of cores on them) By then a second JVM could come in handy.
Bascily your server is so light, that i advise you to stick with a single JVM for now.
thanks for the advice. I will stick to one cognos instance and increase the configurationt to medium