I need to modify my FM Model quite frequently bcoz we need to implement the data level security for the users
created in the group.Whenever a new user is added or deleted the FM Model shld be modified accordingly.
How can I achieve this using SDK? If anybody has done somthing of this sort then plz provide me with the steps to
Wouldn't a more scalable solution involve only have the FM model changed for a change at the group level? You could manage the users from within Cognos Connection by granting/denying permissions related to the groups of which they belong.
In order to access the FM model via the SDK you would have to :
private void getModel(string packageSearchPath)
propEnum[] props = new propEnum[] { propEnum.searchPath, propEnum.model };
searchPathMultipleObject spMulti = new searchPathMultipleObject();
spMulti.Value = packageSearchPath + "/model";
string strXMLHeader = "<?xml version=" + "\"" + "1.0" + "\"" + " encoding=" + "\"" + "UTF-8" + "\"" + " ?>";
string strXMLModel = null;
model = cmService.query(spMulti, props, new sort[] { }, new queryOptions());
for (int i = 0; i < model.Length; i++)
strXMLModel = strXMLHeader + ((model)model).model1.value;
// your return value here
Thanx a lot for ur rply....
Can u plz let me knw where can I have the sample codes related to modifying FM Models using SDK. Actually I want to do a lot of things using SDK in FM like ... creating Groups,providing data level security for tht group , re-publishing packages,etc....
Plz let me knw....
All of the code that I have is from code that I developed myself and reviewing the SDK Developer Guide from Cognos.