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OEM => General => Topic started by: bmccarthy on 17 Mar 2008 06:39:24 PM

Title: Cognos Partner Summit on May 11-12
Post by: bmccarthy on 17 Mar 2008 06:39:24 PM
Hello fellow Cognos OEMers. I got en email invite the other day to attend the Cognos Partner Summit on May 11-12. Has anyone from the Cognos OEM community attended these in the past? Have you found them valuable? What have been the most useful parts?
Title: Re: Cognos Partner Summit on May 11-12
Post by: wneuman on 11 Apr 2008 02:11:18 PM
Bruce - I've only been to this once (because we are newer OEM partners), but did find it very valuable.  A variety of sessions, not all of which will apply to you, but very informative overall.  Best session was on futures (basically next release functionality).

Check the agenda to get a sense of what you might be able to learn/hear about.

Title: Re: Cognos Partner Summit on May 11-12
Post by: triguy on 14 Apr 2008 09:34:43 AM
Cognos is pushing ALL partners to attend Summit this year because of the IBM acquisition.  This is apparently going to be a major focus of Summit this year.