Hi ,
I have list report.I want to display columns from two tables into a single column in the format like column1-coulmn2.Does anybody know the soltion for this.
u can do like this
drag & drop a query calculation(give name)
in the expression def. type like [table 1].[data item]+'-'+[table2].[data item]
Is this ur looking for,hope this will help
Thanks for the help.But the problem is that the second dataitem is a measure.so when i try to execute this it is no displaying the correct values.And the first dataitem is a normal query item.
Try and use a 'cast' function to convert the measure into a string and then concatenate with the first item.
The completed query expression should like
'[table1].[First dataitem]' + ' - ' + cast(Second dataitem,varchar(10))'
Hope this helps!!
If that doesn't work, just apply cast on both sides.
Thanks for the solution.It is working.But problem is that when i group this column it is showing me error.Can we group this column. :
grouping should work fine.