Hi All,
I am making a letter report for my bank client.
This is an offer letter issued by the bank to all client taking new loans.
The bank letter format has 6 pages; I am done with most of them.
The last 3 pages are full of clauses mentioned by the bank, a customer has to abide, the general trems and conditions.
The text for this clause has to appear in paragraph format, with alignment should be straight line form both end. Something similar to setting "justify" alignment in MS word
I have put a reapter with tables in it.Each table row has a test item.
What settings do I have to do?I tried most of the settings not getting the desired result in pdf.
Is the text you want to justify dynamic (from database) or a static part of the form letter?
I assume that the repeater you mention is to drive the form letter generation, but what are the tables for? Is each table a page?
Disregard my inquiries in the prior post, I'm not sure they're relevant.
Can't answer your question specifically for C8, but in ReportNet the Horizontal Alignment property value "Justify" does the same sort of bilateral alignment as MS-Word's. I found that if you set the property on a repeater which contained a table which contained a data item, the table seemed to "insulate" the data item from the repeater formatting and it had no effect...but if you set the property on the table cell it worked as expected. Maybe you're running into something like this in C8?
Thanks a lot i managed to some how fix the size of the table and the text item in it ...for now its working.