Copy the 'axisCognosClient.jar' from the \webapps\samples\WEB-INF\lib to the webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib directory.
Hi all, can someone tell me where the 'samples' directory is. I do not see anything like that. This is from the document 1031903.1 in Cognos Support site.
Traverse to where your cognos installation exists:
I.e., C:\Program Files\cognos\c8 (depending on your version)
Then, within the cognos directory, a webcontent directory should exist. There you will find the samples directory. Not sure if this is what you need or not? If you are looking for a particular file, you can do a File search on the server, to locate the file.
Oh yeah, that seems to be an error in the KB.
This is where you can find the axisCognosClient.jar file:
C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib
Quote from: CognosPolzovatel on 10 Mar 2008 09:42:08 AM
Oh yeah, that seems to be an error in the KB.
This is where you can find the axisCognosClient.jar file:
C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib
Hi, thank you for the reply. 'axisCognosClient.jar' not exisiting in 'webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib' is my problem. I am setting up auditing, is there any other mysterious location that has the 'axisCognosClient.jar' file. I did a file search but couldn't locate it. And btw, i am using Cognos 8.2
It sounds like you are attempting to setup the Audit Extension.
If so, this is where you can find the axisCognosClient.jar file that you need to copy to C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib:
C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\webapps\AuditExt\WEB-INF\lib
If you have installed the Audit Extension, it should be in the WEB-INF > lib directory.
It all depends on *where* your AuditExt was installed. In my case, mine seems to have been installed (by default) at the already mentioned location (c8\webapps\AuditExt).
I am sorry if there was any confusion, but i am setting up basic Auditing. I am unable to build the file. The document 1031903.1 on Cognos Support site clearly mentions my problem but i am unable to implement the solution mentioned because i can't find the 'axisCognosClient.jar' file.
The following KB Document (1034920.1) implies that the axisCognosClient.jar file is the SDK client library.
"Replace the SDK client library (axisCognosClient.jar) with the new client library."
If so, you may not have this .jar file installed.
See if you have the following directory: C8_ROOT/sdk/lib. If so, check for any of the following files: AxisReportNetClient.jar, cognosClient.jar, %crnClient.jar, axisCrnpClient.jar.
If previously you had ReportNet, you may have the axisReportNetClient.jar file.