We have a DB view which a query subject wraps with 'Select * from View'. I added columns to the view. They are not visible in the query subject and I cannot find a way to tell it to take a fresh look at the view.
If I create a NEW Query subject it sees the new columns in the view. When I do this I notice I get to pick the database, I pick the same one, then I am given a choice of objects in DB2 and it looks like a bunch more databases or schemas within that one although 2 of them have the same name. This level object appears no where in the dot name notation and would never work in an Oracle environment. However I cannot crack open the existing Query subject and see what was chosen when it was created. Do I lack certain rights to see this stuff? I can publish the package so I dont think that is it.
Don't know if it's changed in C8 but in ReportNet you right-click query subject and select "Update Query Subject" to pick up changes to underlying tables for "select *" subjects
Thank you almeids,
I got a call from a team member and he said right click 'Test' does not work. Instead double click the Query Subject, then choose test tab and run the test there - walla the new columns appear.
The sublties in the project never cease to shock me.
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The aforementioned "Update Object" functionality is still there in Cognos 8... however it is NOT in the Right-Click menu for some bad reason. It is just in the Tools menu.
Select the Datasource Query Subject you need to update, click Tools, select Update Object.
Easier and less invasive then the Edit, Test, Save method, but functions the same.
My method: right click on the query object, click "edit definitions", then type a space behind the query text, and click ok. The object updates itself as the query is modified...
Performance hint:
Never touch (dont even open and click OK) an imported
QuerySubject in the DB-View.
This way you prevent Meta-Data-Callbacks which can
in big modells be quite time consuming.
Instead of editing the SQL with adding spaces - just delete and import
again using the wizard. And of course leave alone the QS.
You may verify this information by:
* creating a new model
* import just one single QS from your database
* review the model.xml
* edit the imported QS by testing and clicking OK
* review the model.xml again
Probably you will see that Cognos changes the XML even, if you
only clicked the OK button. A change XML-QuerySubject will
always produce a Meta-Data Callback.
Have fun!