I've just updated to 12.0.4 FP1 and now we are facing this error:
#prompt ('pAuswertungsdatum'; 'date'; '2222-02-22')#
--> Cognos 12.0.4 --> DATE '2025-01-16'
--> before '2025-01-16'
DATE '2025-01-16' leads to syntax error:
XQE-V5-0011 V5-Syntaxfehler in Ausdruck "IF (cast(DATE '2025-01-16'; date) = cast('2222-02-22'; date))
THEN ( [Technische Sicht SPOT].[JIRA0_D_ISSUE_BEZIEHUNG_HIST_T01].[TSP_GUELTIG_AB] <= localtimestamp AND [Technische Sicht SPOT].[JIRA0_D_ISSUE_BEZIEHUNG_HIST_T01].[TSP_GUELTIG_BIS] > localtimestamp)
( [Technische Sicht SPOT].[JIRA0_D_ISSUE_BEZIEHUNG_HIST_T01].[TSP_GUELTIG_AB] <= cast(DATE '2025-01-16'; timestamp) AND [Technische Sicht SPOT].[JIRA0_D_ISSUE_BEZIEHUNG_HIST_T01].[TSP_GUELTIG_BIS] > cast(DATE '2025-01-16' ; timestamp) )
)" gefunden. Ungültiges Token "DATE" gefunden nach "IF (cast("
Any idea how to fix that?
So, it works with these?
DATE '2025-01-15'
DATE '2025-01-17'
And I don't understand this code:
--> Cognos 12.0.4 --> DATE '2025-01-16'
--> before '2025-01-16'
Maybe I'm not understanding something, but if I'm reading the error message correctly, this should not have worked before:
IF val = cast('2222-02-22'; date))
a <= localtimestamp
AND b > localtimestamp
a <= val
AND b > val
THEN and ELSE should each return a value. It looks like they are performing comparisons. Does this actually return TRUE or FALSE as output values?
What RDBMS are you using?
Yes, it is all working fine in Cognos 12.0.3.
But now in Cognos 12.0.4 it doesn't work anymore.
We are on DB2LUW DB2 v11.5.9.0 and also the single server installation of Cognos runs on Linux_86.
Yes, the expression returns true/false.
Sorry, it took some time.
IBM has confirmed the bug here: https://www.ibm.com/mysupport/s/defect/aCIKe000000XqNw/dt422363?language=en_US