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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: sspk on 04 Mar 2008 08:57:02 PM

Title: Report problem
Post by: sspk on 04 Mar 2008 08:57:02 PM
I have query items like d_year,d_month,tr_1,tr_2,....tr_24.(i am writing in short forms)
when d_year=2007 and d_month=11 then tr_1=Nov-07,tr_2=Oct-07....tr_24=DEC-05
when d_year=2007 and d_month=12 then tr_1=DEC-07,tr_2=Nov-07,tr_3=Oct-07....tr_24=Jan-06.
Now  i have to calculate a calender qtr(it should be dynamic)so that
when d_month=2007 & d_month=11 then q4-07 should be tr_1(Nov-07)+tr_2(Oct-07)
when d_month=2007 & d_month=12 then q4-07 should be tr_1(DEC-07)+tr_2(Nov-07)+tr_3(Oct-07)
we have  created a function in database which will give me the exact data buckets shown below
if d_month=11 then func_gettrxbucketsforqtr(2007 Q4)= tr_1+tr_2
d_month=12 then func_gettrxbucketsforqtr(2007 Q4)=tr_1+tr_2+tr_3.I called this func in the FM and published package in the RS and generating a  cross tab report.
in the cross tab corner cell i am keeping a query calculation with expression like func_gettrxbucketsforqtr(? qtr?) and when i am running the report it's giving with exact buckets.
Now the problem is when i am converting it into values , what ever may be the quarter  i select it's giving me the same values .
I checked the generated sql ,it's not showing any sql with that.
Any suggestions will help me
                                                                      Many thanks ..