Our regulations requires we record every user activity for retrieval of data, I know that we can record a user session but needs to be enabled each time by the user, do you know any other way we can record detailed user activity on Cognos ?
Thank you
Try the COGIPF_ACTIONS table in the audit database.
Quote from: wlargou on 01 Nov 2024 01:53:56 PMHi,
Our regulations requires we record every user activity for retrieval of data, I know that we can record a user session but needs to be enabled each time by the user, do you know any other way we can record detailed user activity on Cognos ?
Thank you
Cognos Extended Audit has this feature but that has to be installed. It captures every click.
Thank you for the feedback, yes we are using the COGIPF_ACTIONS table but it doesn't provide details on what data have been retrieved (which query have been run), as for Cognos Extended Audit it's more of an inventory tool tried to find some relevant documentation only found this one :
If you have any other information please share.
Thank you