we have ecently changed the baseDN password of our AD and the same has been updated in cognos configuration and then save.
aftert his, if i start the cofnos services, it does not start throwing the error.
the same thing happended when i try to test the user on my tablespaces, right click-test
Is there an error message?
All three namespaces for authentication are showing exclamation marks and the namespace you show for AD doesn't seem to be for AD
here is the namespace configured to use AD. I see the error as above
[ ERROR ] AAA-AUT-0016 The function call to 'CAMFactory.initialize' failed.
[ ERROR ] CAM-CRP-1095 Unable to find the encryption certificate with alias 'encryption' in the keystore '/procommnt/procomapp/wt/reporting/configuration/certs/CAMKeystore'.
You may have to copy the certificate files to the folder. Check the installation documentation frim IBM. Your screenshot is for LDAP, not AD.