Hello Everyone,
I'm trying to figure out why it is that my running-count is displaying too high of a number. I'm putting together a list of employees and their emergency contacts phone numbers.
The query calculation looks like this:
running-count ([Phone Data X].[Emergency Contacts Reference Data Key] for [Phone Data X].[Contact Name (First MI Last Suffix)])
The Emergency Contacts Reference Data Key is the Employee Number and the Contact Name is the Emergency Contact's name. So the product of this is to get a running count of how many phone numbers each of the employee's contacts have.
The problem is that it's default to 2 for a specific employee. It should show a record for 1 and 2. But because it only sees 2 it kicks it out because there was no 1 beforehand. I can say there are multiple joins along the way, but it seems when I join these two tables that were the problem begins. There are thousands of other records that are doing just as planned. It's just about a dozen or so that this problem arises.
We are trying to migrate our data into another system.
This has been resolved. The problem was two employees had a mother by the same name even though they weren't related. I had to change how I calculated my running count to include address because they lived it two different homes.
I'm not sure how to resolve this ticket.
It's not a ticket. It's a forum post.
You should always use the employee ID (some alphanumeric value that HR uses to ensure they are working with the correct employee data) NOT employee name.
Plus, what if those two people had the same address?
I did that. See my original post. The issue has been resolved.
Your response to your original post indicates you didn't.
In your original post you said you used
running-count ([Phone Data X].[Emergency Contacts Reference Data Key] for [Phone Data X].[Contact Name (First MI Last Suffix)])
Your response indicates you switched to using
running-count ([Phone Data X].[Emergency Contacts Reference Data Key] for [Phone Data X].[Contact Name (First MI Last Suffix)], [Phone Data X].[Home Address])
I'm saying you should probably use something like
running-count (1 for [Phone Data X].[Emergency Contacts Reference Data Key])