Hi all,
Pls need your help.
I have created alerady some objects (reports, packages, analysis, page tab,etc.) in Cognos Connection. Next, I want to apply security system that restrict access to that objects. It means, only authorized users can have access it. But I have problem to do this since we can't manage user entry in Cognos Connection. According to Cognos documentation, they also mention this A user entry is created and maintained in a third-party authentication provider to uniquely identify a human or a computer account. You cannot create user entries in Cognos 8.
Anybody please share your expertise regarding this problem. Is there another way I can do to create security system and I can implement it into Cognos 8 ?
Thanks in advance !
Our "security" setup:
* LDAP holding user information; managed by thirdparty
* Siteminder authentication against LDAP; SM_USER Variable checked by Cognos
against LDAP
* Setup two Roles in Cognos Connection by hand; adjust rights of these per click;
have a default user per role
* via SDK (Java):
- Add User via SDK from LDAP each night or on request
- Add Users to Role 1 or 2 via SDK
- Copy default Users-rights "over" real user
- insert/set "corporate portal tabs"
* in addition we have an ant & shellscript that takes a master configuration
(cogstartup.xml, coglocale.xml, QFEconfig, rsvpproperties, system.xml ....) and
injects parameters according to the settings in the master-config according
to the relevant target system (dev, stage, standby, production, branch, ...)
In the system.xml we have settings like ui_hide and welcomeOverride.
We plan to automate the "setup" of Roles and adjustment clicks in CC via SDK also.
best regards;
From the Cognos Administration tab, go to Security. In the Cognos namespace (the one that is delivered by default with the product) create the security groups you wish to use. You will find several there already and you can use them or create something of your own.
Next, add to the groups you wish to use the user names from your authentication source (LDAP for instance).
Then add the groups to your Cognos objects with the permissions you wish for them to have. A single user can be a member of many security roles or groups, and roles or groups can be included in other roles or groups. Remember that the most powerful set of permissions apply when setting up your hierarchies.
Could u please elaborate this topic..as i am new to cognos,so this is very difficult for me to understand..
Thanks techhiiies
In Cognos configuration you need to add a new namespace in Security --> Authentication.
There you configure the settings that enables Cognos to use a specific authentication source.
For the namespace 'Cognos' you then set 'Allow anonymous access' to false.
This is extensively covered in:
Chapter 10: Configuring Cognos 8 Components to
Use an Authentication Provider
of the Cognos(R) 8 Business Intelligence Installation and Configuration Guide
Even i am getting this error right now and not able to figure out what the issue is.
Did you ever resolve this issue? if you did so could help me understand as well.
What do you mean with error? There is no issue at stake here..
The topic is on how to use 3rd party authentication source , which is well covered by:
Chapter 10: Configuring Cognos 8 Components to
Use an Authentication Provider
of the Cognos(R) 8 Business Intelligence Installation and Configuration Guide
I am also trying to create a user in an LDAP server (Sun One Directory Server) via the LDAP SDK and then access that new user thru Cognos SDK.
Sun One Directory server namespace setup in Cognos Configuration is correct.
However, when I created an entry directly in the LDAP server, I cannot see the created user in Cognos Access Manager and I never thought to check in Cognos Connection if the newly created user showed there.. Is it possible to create a user in the LDAP server and access it in Cognos Connection or via Cognos SDK?