I have a drill through source and target reports. The source report has crosstabs that have drill throughs on the detail and summary values. The target report contains a list. The crosstabs display single measures and not multiple. Two crosstabs among these are a result of a repeater table with master detail relationship. Now the drill through from totals (column & row) of these two crosstabs are going wrong i.e., giving different numbers in the target report summary.
When I checked it, found that one of the parameters is not been passed for the drill thorough of totals from source report. I think it is because the two crosstabs are a result of repeater table (correct me if my assumption is wrong). Before trying out removing the repeater and creating individual crosstabs so that the drill throughs may function correctly, please suggest solutions from your end.
Additionally, if anybody could provide information on tricks/tips related to drill throughs on crosstab totals, that would be really helpful.