Good Afternoon All,
1. We've just started upgrading some v10.something and v11.something system to v11.2.3. I'm consistently seeing on those upgraded servers - all throughout the Cognos UI - that almost all text is blurry.
2. And, as of v11.2, IBM purposely revamped the Cognos UI to use their Carbon Design - with IBM Plex fonts.
3. I've checked the fonts loaded on those upgraded systems and I am certain that none of them have the IBM Plex fonts.
I'm unable to convince anyone within my IT that the solution "might" be to load the IBM Plex fonts. I don't have administrative access enough to try it on my own. The "IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.2.x Installation and Configuration Guide" doesn't seem to talk to this specific font issue at all.
There is a cadre of IT who want to convince me that we did something to the proprietary skin that we created and installed. However, the design of that skin only impacts part of the Welcome page. So I don't want to believe that we might have also impacted the entire UI across the three authoring tools (Reports, Dashboards, and Stories) too.
Does anyone have any relevant experience on either (a) how this symptom might be overcome or (b) know of font characteristics/behaviors which I might use to convince my IT Team to just try loading the freakin' fonts.
Well I've just installed the IBM Plex fonts onto my v11.2.3 system and I've rebooted the server too as some rando websites indicate that font caches are not consistently cleared by all applications.
There is a very, very minor difference with the new fonts loaded. It's obvious to be because I've been staring at it for weeks. But, the difference is factually very slight.
I'm not certain things are right quite yet.
Uncertain of what exactly is causing the blurriness BUT I can tell for certain it is a display difference between how MS Explorer presents the Cognos user-interface and how MS Edge presents same.
I got to this decision when I was on a Cognos v11.0.13 system and happened to have opened Analytics in MS Edge which I don't typically use on v11.0.13...and, all of the text was blurry as I reported originally for v11.2. I immediately opened same v11.0.13 Analytics on that same server using MS Explorer instead and the texts were sharp and clear.