Hi All,
We installed Cognos 12.02 on a Azure VM. Config runs, IBM Cognos service runs, IIS installed and set-up with CA_IIS_Config.bat (which IBM delivers in the package). Nevertheless, in the browser of the Azure VM Cognos is not running. But that should be the first step.
Browsing the site from IIS (http://localhost/ibmcognos/bi/bi/) gives:
No webpage was found for the web address: http://localhost/ibmcognos/bi/bi/
Any idea's how to proceed?
localhost refers to the machine where the browser is fired from. That should be replaced with the host name or IP address (preferably host name).
Don't use localhost. Use the server name.
/bi/bi is not a valid path. If you are using SSO through and IIS gateway, the URL should be http://servername/ibmcognos, which will redirect to http://servername/ibmcognos/bi. Verify your IIS config is correct. If it is, try restarting IIS or rebooting the machine. Also, clear your browser cache.
Are you running the browser on the server? Don't do that. Ever. It is the fastest way to compromise security on your server. Servers should be run headless. The GUI installer for Cognos Analytics is unfortunate.