[I apologize that I don't see an Assistant nor Exploration subtopic in the Forum; so, I'm posing this question in the Dashboards subtopic since both of those Analytics features feed visualizations into Dashboards. Any Mod who knows of a better place to hang this post is invited to move it please.]
My data sources contain two unique sets of data item names. I've had huge success across many Cognos releases with rendered on Reports the expected data item names based upon the corresponding "Content Language" setting.
I'm finding in my dealings with v11.2.3's AI Assistant and Exploration that these two features don't seem to understand the concept of "Content Language" and in many - if not most but certainly not all - instances are displaying the "English" versions of the data items' names. Again, I'm consistently successful electing to use either of the two language naming sets within Reports...but, not within Assistant nor Exploration. When I change the Content Language setting for testing, I completely exist Cognos Analytics and my browser. Then launch both from fresh.
I can't easily tell if the Assistant nor Exploration features have a strong understanding - or design - for how they intend to handle multiple languages. Seems that when I'm navigating within the data source panes to select data items, the correct expected field names are displayed based upon my then current Content Language setting. However, when an AI-generated visualization appears, they tend NOT to be using the correct Content Language. In fact I've seen many instances where, within a single visualization, BOTH languages' data item names appear in different places at the same time - like one language is used in the legend and a different language is used for the same data item in the title or labels!
Does anyone have any related experience(s) to share?
Does anyone know if IBM Cognos is even aware of this "oddity" and if there is a plan to standardize the language handling?
IBM Cognos (corporate) consistently touts the AI Assistant feature as the route to achieving true end-user /consumer adoption of authoring new dashboards. I can't see that happening when the Content Languages are not consistently and uniquely displayed on-screen.