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IBM Cognos Analytics Platform => Cognos Analytics => Administration and Security => Topic started by: aabbll on 15 Dec 2023 02:44:51 AM

Title: Cannot See 'Manage' after change Active Directory Host
Post by: aabbll on 15 Dec 2023 02:44:51 AM
Hi all, I need some help with Cognos Analytics.

Our company change AD so I tried to change Active Directory Info.

We had one dev server and two prod server for Cognos BI.

I changed the info of "IBM Cognos Configuration > Security > Namespace(Active Directory) > Host and port" on dev server.
(from oldIP:389 to newIP:389 without changing Namespace ID)

The test result is successful and then I tried the same thing to prod server, but it didn't work.

I could log on but I cannot see any reports I made and enter administration page.

And I don't know the admin account..

I don't have much knowledge about Cognos so plz help me..

Thank you.

Title: Re: Cannot See 'Manage' after change Active Directory Host
Post by: MFGF on 15 Dec 2023 08:29:02 AM
Quote from: aabbll on 15 Dec 2023 02:44:51 AMHi all, I need some help with Cognos Analytics.

Our company change AD so I tried to change Active Directory Info.

We had one dev server and two prod server for Cognos BI.

I changed the info of "IBM Cognos Configuration > Security > Namespace(Active Directory) > Host and port" on dev server.
(from oldIP:389 to newIP:389 without changing Namespace ID)

The test result is successful and then I tried the same thing to prod server, but it didn't work.

I could log on but I cannot see any reports I made and enter administration page.

And I don't know the admin account..

I don't have much knowledge about Cognos so plz help me..

Thank you.


It sounds like you made a change that has impacted the CAMIDs (security identifiers) Cognos uses. These identify each user/group/object, and the security rules in Cognos reference them. It sounds like your specific user now has a different CAMID (and probably all users), and you have lost access to all content and permissions secured to your user.
The safest and easiest option would be to revert to your old AD if you can, and see if things revert back to normal. If so, you could then take a look at the CAMIDs, and compare them with the ones you are seeing now in your new AD namespace to see how they are different. That might help you understand if a config change is responsible (maybe a slight change to the format), or if the CAMIDs are just entirely different (in which case there is a lot of work ahead).
If you have completely lost access with no way to revert, you can at least get back your Admin rights, but it is a drastic step.
On your Content Manager install server, there is a SQL script that will add the 'everyone' group back into the System Administrators role. You can find this at:
<your install location>\configuration\schemas\content\<your content store database type>\AddSysAdminMember.sql
Once you have run this against your Content Store database, go into Cognos Configuration and set the 'allow anonymous access' setting of the Cognos namespace to 'True' and restart your Cognos service.
This will then mean that all users have Admin rights and can see and do everything, until you re-secure the instance (which you should do immediately).


Title: Re: Cannot See 'Manage' after change Active Directory Host
Post by: cognostechie on 15 Dec 2023 12:15:33 PM
Quote from: aabbll on 15 Dec 2023 02:44:51 AMHi all, I need some help with Cognos Analytics.

Our company change AD so I tried to change Active Directory Info.

We had one dev server and two prod server for Cognos BI.

I changed the info of "IBM Cognos Configuration > Security > Namespace(Active Directory) > Host and port" on dev server.
(from oldIP:389 to newIP:389 without changing Namespace ID)

The test result is successful and then I tried the same thing to prod server, but it didn't work.

I could log on but I cannot see any reports I made and enter administration page.

And I don't know the admin account..

I don't have much knowledge about Cognos so plz help me..

Thank you.


In addition to what MFGF said, anytime you have to change the AD configuration, it will be better to do it safely. Prior to making any changes, create an export of the full Content Store which will create a zip file containing all reports/packages/security etc. After this, add another namespace in Cognos Configuration to configure the new AD. Log on to the new namespace and then create a new Import which will bring all reports/packages etc. After everything is tested, you can delete the earlier namespace for the previous AD from Cognos Configuration.