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IBM Cognos Analytics Platform => Cognos Analytics => Dashboards => Topic started by: FerdH4 on 05 Oct 2023 08:54:17 AM

Title: Dashboard - Technique for listing selected rows in a narrow date/time window?
Post by: FerdH4 on 05 Oct 2023 08:54:17 AM
I have a transactional table where every record in this table has a single combined-date-time field (like CCYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS for example) to mark the record's create date and time.     

I want to use a Dashboard List Visualization to display a very narrow list of records in that table - for example, the records created in the most recent five-minutes (five-minutes past through the current time).

Is there a Dashboards authoring technique that I can use to filter the records as described above?  Or, is this only possible with a change to the data model?  [I don't have control nor influence over the data model - I have to work with the data that I have.]

By the way, I don't expect the number of data points to risk coming near to the 3,000 Visualization limit.
Title: Re: Dashboard - Technique for listing selected rows in a narrow date/time window?
Post by: dougp on 05 Oct 2023 11:04:56 AM
I just tried this.  I assume you had the same experience, but I'll document it here for others.

Creating a calculation

if ( [namespace].[query subject].[datetime item] > _add_minutes ( current_timestamp , -5 ) )
then (1)
else (0)

won't work because, oddly, calculations can't be used as filters.
Title: Re: Dashboard - Technique for listing selected rows in a narrow date/time window?
Post by: FerdH4 on 05 Oct 2023 12:05:23 PM
Dougp - thanks kindly for making the assumption that I did - or eventually would - think of that idea.  I haven't gotten that far yet.  Deers in the headlights kind of trauma. 

I included in my post one of the simplist real-life examples of what I'm trying to accomplish.  But seems that all of the date data items in this data model are all very complex.   :o