Hello, I am having an issue that I am finding very difficult to find any information online. I even went thru countless of pages in this forum and other forums trying to find a solution or at least someone with the same issue but nothing. I am hoping someone can help with this.
So I have set up a burst report without an issue. Everyone of the recipients is receiving their report with the correct data so it is good to go. However, I am the owner of said burst report and I am receiving a copy of every single bursted report to my email box. The sender email address has been set up with a generic email address so I fixed the issue of my email also being attached to the reports as a sender but I can't figure out how to make the bursted reports to stop sending me a copy. When I schedule a regular report go out, I see that the system automatically attaches your email as a recipient and you can just manually delete your email from said field. However, during the set up of a burst report, the functionality to be able to remove your address manually disappears. So is there somewhere within the configuration in the system to take off the owners email defaulting in the recipient field?? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
So it seems that I have finally worded the query correctly in google and found the issue I am having. I am posting this in case anyone else has the same issue. Thanks to anyone who took the time to read my issue and tried to figure it out for me. We have not upgraded and are currently on Cognos 11.1.7 package 4.
APAR status
Closed as program error.
Error description
Executing a burst with burst option Automatic or Directory
Entries and delivery by mail, will send a copy of the mail to
the user who executed the report, even when he is no burst
Local fix
Problem summary
* All Users *
* See Error Description *
* Upgrade to IBM Cognos Analytics 11.1.7 Fix Pack 5 *
Problem conclusion
Code Fix
Temporary fix
Thanks for sharing it. Appreciated.