Hi guys,
I have a little issue with dashboards. The dashboards has a lots of filter, and when I display the filter list, it "break" the page size.
Any idea on how I could manage this issue ?
I'll try to upldoad some screenshot to help you to understand my problem (because my English is not really good...)
Thanks for the help guys,
Without apparent filters
With apprent filters
Another question :
Any chance that we can get the value of a filter ? (exemple : I can filter my dashboard on a specific date ==> Is there any function to get the selected value ?)
Edit : I think the post should be moved to the good section of the forum, but dunno how to do it right now :S... Sorry
I don't know about Dashboard but in a report the function to display parameter values is
ParamDisplayValue('ParameterName'). Create a Layout calculation and drag the parameter from the parameter pane
Yes, I know how to deal with this in a report, but thanks anyway for your answer ^^.