Anyone have any insight on how to get Dashboards v11.2.3 to sort month names into order all English-speaking users might expect?
I've created a very simple Line Visualization with four-digit Year and full Month Names on the X-axis. The Years are ordered correctly in ascending numeric order; but, the Month Names are in alphabetic order. So December 2022 is listed before November 2022.
I though that the 11.2 stream had incremental improvements made to better understand time periods. I'd have hoped that correctly ordering the English version of months' names would have been included in those logics.
Any hints anyone can share?
You can create another data item with the month numbers and year. December 2022 would be 202212 and January 2022 would be 202201. Use this data item in the sort property. It will still display 2022 December but use 202212 for sorting.
Thanks for sharing that idea with me.